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Money saving tips

We would all like to make our money go that bit further. The good news is that there are things we can do to get the most from our income.

From changing your energy supplier to getting the right bank account, this section will show you some of the simple things you can do to save money.

There are some quick and easy things you can do to keep the heat in and the costs down, which can save a lot of money combined.

Switching off appliances at the plug socket, turning lights off, not leaving mobiles, laptops, etc., on charge overnight, spending less time in the shower, closing doors behind, and making sure taps are turned off don’t take much time or effort. By making your home as energy efficient as possible, you could save over £300 a year on fuel bills and reduce harmful carbon emissions.


Basic bank accounts are simple accounts that are designed for managing day-to-day money. They may be ideal for you if you:

  • Have a poor credit record
  • Want to ensure you can’t get access to more money than you have in your account.

Basic accounts allow you to have money paid directly into your bank and if you get an account with a debit card, you’ll be able to use it to pay for goods and services, for shopping online and for withdrawing money at cash machines.

This type of account isn’t for everyone, so it is important to know what will work best for you. A basic account won’t let you overspend, so if you are going to use it to pay bills by Direct Debit or standing order, then you will need to make sure there is enough money in your account; if there isn’t, then your bank will not make the payment, and you may be charged a fee.

Home content insurance could save you lots of money in the event of a burglary, fire or flood; without it, things like televisions, carpets, jewellery, and game consoles would not be replaced.

If you want to protect your possessions, we work in conjunction with the National Housing Federation to provide our tenants with affordable insurance.

Find out more.

One of the areas where people can often save a lot of money is on their food shopping. 

Top 10 tips to reduce your food bill

  1. Food apps such as OLIO and Too Good To Go help prevent waste by connecting people to bargain bags of surplus food from supermarkets and other local businesses. Lidl offers a box for £1.50
  2. Look out for wonky veg deals
  3. Bulk out meals - eat less meat and use cheaper ingredients such as pulses, chorizo, and chickpeas to add nutrition to your meals and make them go further
  4. Plan your meals and batch cook. Freeze the meals, which you can eat later in the week/month
  5. Check your fridge is set to the recommended temperature of 4°C or lower to ensure your fresh food and leftovers keep for as long as they should
  6. Make use of store points and vouchers, and look out for good deals
  7. Make sauces from scratch. For example, tinned tomatoes are far cheaper than a ready-made curry sauce. You can add herbs and spices, which last longer
  8. Buy frozen food, rather than fresh food, as it can be stored for longer
  9. Shop in the evening, when there might be more ‘yellow sticker’ items
  10. Look in the world foods aisle, which can often have cheaper store cupboard foods.

Most of us are guilty of buying too much and wasting food or impulse buying, but by effectively planning, you could make a big saving. The MoneyHelper website has a budget tool to help you budget more efficiently have a look:

MoneyHelper - budget planner

For more information about saving money on your shopping, please visit the Money Saving Expert website by clicking here.

We also have local community shops that provide more affordable food:

  • The Base Community Centre, Broadfield estate, Leyland:

Community cafe every Monday offers free hot food for the local community between 10am - 4:30pm

One Stop shop every Wednesday - register and pay £2.50 per week to select 10 items of food from the shop.

  • The Fylde Food Community Hub - Lower Lane Community Centre Open Saturday mornings. For more information, visit their Facebook page.
  • Wade Hall Community Shop, Royal Avenue, Wade Hall, Leyland. Open Mondays 12.30pm until 6.30pm. Members pay £3.50 per visit for 10 items. More details can be found here: Wade hall community association | Facebook