We are delighted to have a group of tenants who volunteer their time to look at the services we provide from a tenant's perspective.
They helped us create this annual review to help others understand what they did and achieved over the past year.
Next quarterly meeting:
Wednesday 5 March, 1.30pm, Leyland House and Microsoft Teams
If you would like to find out more, suggest a service to be reviewed, or would like to book a place, please get in touch with the Customer Voice Team at community@progressgroup.org.uk, or call Diane on 01772 450669.
This is to identify what we do well and recommend improvements in areas where we could improve. When conducting a scrutiny review, tenants carry out various activities.
This can include interviews with employees, looking at performance information and survey results from other tenants, looking at policy documents, mapping out processes from a tenant's perspective and looking at what other housing providers do.
Tenants then meet with employees to discuss their findings and produce action plans to implement their recommendations.
To find out more about our Tenants' Voice group, including how to join or make a suggestion for a service review, please get in touch with your Customer Voice Team: community@progressgroup.org.uk or 01772 450669
Copies of previous minutes from the Tenants' Voice group are available upon request from the Customer Voice Team.
“Joining the group helped me recognise what you can influence to create positive outcomes. I want to make a difference and make my community a good place. Communication challenges remain, so I would like to see listening skills included in training.”
Irene, Tenant
Tenant Improving Services | Annual Review
We are delighted to have a group of tenants who volunteer their time to look at the services we provide from a tenant's perspective.
They helped us create this annual review to help others understand what they did and achieved over the past year.
Out of hours repairs service review
The group completed a review of the out-of-hours service in October 2022.
They made six recommendations to improve the service for tenants who contact Progress Housing Group to report a repair outside of normal office hours.
Three of the recommendations have been implemented, including:
Read the summary report and full report here.
In April 2023, the Tenants’ Voice - Improving Services group selected the planned maintenance service as their next area of review. Tenants met with colleagues from across Progress Housing Group to learn about the service and what this delivered to tenants.
Our involved tenants carried out their review over a number of weeks, providing their report and findings to the planned maintenance service in November 2023. The review identified eight recommendations, mainly relating to communication and information provided to tenants about what they can expect from the planned maintenance service.
The remaining 2 recommendations are to provide video information and update the policy document. Bother are ongoing and due to be complete by March 2025.
At the Tenants’ Voice – Improving Services group meeting in July 2023, tenants identified communication as their next area for review.
The review is complete, and tenants have made six recommendations, including how to ensure Progress Housing Group applies the Group's style to all letters sent out, how to ensure external contractors adopt the Group's communication principles, and how to build customer confidence in online and automated services.
And introducing the training plan for colleagues across the Group.
RAMP training is currently being delivered to colleagues across the Group.
Earlier this year our Aids and Adaptation team got together with our Tenants’ Voice – Improving Services group to have a look at what the service is, what it provides to tenants and the benefit this brings.
The service covers a massive area covering about 180 different local authority areas. It provides services to tenants living in RWP, general needs and independent living homes.
Tenants heard that there are 2 different categories of aids and adaptations available, minor – like fitting a grab rail and major – like fitting a wet room with level access shower.
Whilst reviewing the service, tenants looked at:
They found that Progress Housing Group relies on external groups when carrying out major aids and adaptations. This involves an assessment by occupational therapists to make recommendations on the work needed.
Following their review tenants made 9 recommendations on how the service could be improved from a tenants perspective. The recommendations included:
Carly Mustoe, Head of Housing Operations at RWP, said: "Supporting our tenants through tailored aid and adaptations is not just about accessibility, but enabling independence. Having our customers and tenants involved in improving our processes helps us better understand how to best deliver our services."
Tenants chose to carry out a review of communal areas within blocks of flats and independent living schemes in January 2024.
They carried out their review over the summer months focusing their attention on the cleaning and window cleaning of communal areas. Whilst carrying out their review tenants looked at;
Tenants completed their review at the end of August and presented their findings to the service team. They made 9 recommendations including;
An action plan is currently being developed by the team and updates will be provided to Tenants’ Voice – improving services meeting in the future.
Tenants’ Voice scrutiny update – December 2024
Our Tenants’ Voice – Improving Services group met in December. Here is a summary of what they talked about.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, 5 March 2025, 1.30 PM, at Leyland House and on Microsoft Teams.
Contact Information: For more details, to suggest a service review, or to book a place, contact the Customer Voice Team at community@progressgroup.org.uk, or call Diane on 01772 450669.
Tenants’ Voice Scrutiny update - October 2024
Our Tenants’ Voice – Improving Services group met in September. Here is a summary of what they talked about.
The group looked further into options to receive independent support and mentoring for tenants involved in scrutiny activity.
They also received an update on the progress being made on their recent reviews. This included:
Training has now begun for our colleagues on our new Customer Service Style framework, , to help improve the way we communicate with tenants, customers, colleagues and partners. RAMP stands for:
The next area to be reviewed by tenants was chosen. This will be how we engage with tenants during our annual rent review. Session dates have been set for this review, which will start on 3 October. You can see these dates on the events section at the bottom of our homepage: Progress Housing Group
Tenants’ Voice Scrutiny update – June 2024
Our Tenants’ Voice – Improving Services group met in June. Here is a summary of what they talked about.
Tammy Bradley, our Executive Director (Operations and Support), told tenants about a new proposal to help tenants to access information about the management of their homes. This is a national proposal called STAIRs (Social Tenant Access to Information Requirement). The consultation has closed, but here is a link to find out more information: Consultation on the Social Tenant Access to Information Requirements - Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government - Citizen Space (levellingup.gov.uk)
Over the past few years, the Tenants’ Voice group has been helped by an independent mentor, Jayne. Unfortunately, Jayne is no longer available to do this, so we talked through other ways to provide this help. A number of suggestions were made. We are looking into these and will provide more information at the next meeting.
Tenants received an update on the progress being made on their recent reviews. This included:
The next area to be reviewed by tenants was chosen. This is the management of communal areas within buildings. The review started on 10 July and will be complete by early September.
One of our tenants, Fiona, told us about the ongoing work of Stop Social Housing Stigma, a national tenant led group she is involved with. They are promoting involvement from tenants and housing colleagues from across the country – here is a link if you want to find out more: Home - Stop Social Housing Stigma
The next quarterly update meeting of the Tenants’ Voice – improving services group is Thursday 12 September at 1.30pm.
Tenants’ Voice Scrutiny update -March 2024
Our Tenants’ Voice group held its quarterly scrutiny meeting at the end of March, where they discussed their latest service reviews and the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code.
The tenants looked at the remaining three action points for the out-of-hours service review, which included receiving an update that the call abandonment fell to 20 % in February.
The group was generally happy with the service, remarking: “The out-of-hours response is very quick,” but communication still needed to be better.
The next item on the agenda was the planned maintenance review, with nine recommendations made. These mainly related to communication and information on what to expect regarding timescales and what the work involved.
The tenants then looked at the recommendations made for their communication review.
The discussion turned towards the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code and reviewing our policy in handling complaints at each stage. Our Head of Customer Experience Neil Bergin-Faragher talked about creating a positive culture where we see complaints as opportunities to listen to our tenants and learn from feedback. Neil also highlighted how we wanted to show the proactive actions we take following the feedback and how that will benefit tenants in the future.
The theme of listening to tenants was extended further as the final items on the agenda discussed two new opportunities to engage with tenants. These included inviting tenants to have lunch and chat with Board members, and setting up a governance committee with tenant members.
The next Tenants’ Voice scrutiny meeting will take place on Tuesday 18 June at Progress House, Leyland, or online via Teams. For more information on how to join, visit Tenants' Voice - Improving Services events | Progress Housing Group (progressgroup.org.uk)
Tenants' Voice Scrutiny Update - January 2024
Our Tenants' Voice – Improving Services group held its quarterly scrutiny meeting in January.
Tenants received an update on the out-of-hours service review. Three of the six recommendations have now been completed.
The tenants discussed the ongoing recommendations, including a proposed change to extend the times when the in-hours repairs service will be available. It is hoped this will increase tenant satisfaction and reduce the number of out-of-hours calls.
Next on the agenda was an update on the community safety review, where tenants received an update confirming the final two recommendations are complete. This included a new communication process for everyone reporting anti-social behaviour.
The tenants also discussed the planned maintenance review, where most recommendations focus on communication and letters.
The tenants then reviewed our Customer Promises and Tenant Satisfaction Measures.
Tenants also heard from a member of the Continuous Improvement Team about its new programme aimed at improving our tenants' service experience and satisfaction. Our involved tenants were looking forward to sharing their experiences and feeding into the work through their scrutiny reviews.
The tenants discussed future topics they wished to review, which included aids and adaptations and looking into how we keep our communal areas clean and maintained.
Tenants' Voice Scrutiny Update - October 2023
Our Tenants' Voice – Improving Services group held its quarterly scrutiny meeting in October.
Tenants heard our plans to send quarterly surveys as part of the Regulator of Social Housing’s Tenant Satisfaction Measures.
These are part of the new Customer Standards framework and will enable tenants to scrutinise their landlord's performance effectively.
We will use these results to improve our services and increase satisfaction. Tenants discussed that this was a good way to ensure we were accountable and listened to feedback.
The Tenants’ Voice group also looked at the Tenant Annual Review, which includes performance information for tenant services from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. Tenants said they liked the look of the report, which was easy to read and provided good information
The meeting also received an update on the out-of-hours service review, with three recommendations ongoing. The new telephony system has reduced the abandonment rate from 35.7% to 19%. We are now considering plans to extend the in-hours repairs period from 8 am until 8pm. This includes sessions with tenants to find out what they think would work well. We will also look at getting more survey responses from our RWP supported living tenants.
Seven recommendations from our community safety review have now been completed. This includes promoting the work of our Community Safety Team and how to report anti-social behaviour, a review of letter templates and updating information on our website. We are working on a process where community safety officers agree with tenants on how and when they will provide feedback on their cases.
The next area to be reviewed by the Tenants’ Voice – Improving Services group is how we communicate with our tenants.
The current review of the planned maintenance service is complete, with the report being finalised by tenants before they provide their findings to the service team in November.
Tenants were then invited to join colleagues at our Black History Month celebration lunch at Leyland House. They heard from Clinton Smith, from Preston Black History Group, about the many achievements of black men and women. They also enjoyed Caribbean food and learnt more about the culture and accomplishments of black people during a quiz.