Tenants' Forum | January 2025
Our Tenants’ Forum met up in January. Here is a summary of what they talked about.
Reviewing our Tenants’ Forum terms of reference: We value your feedback and want to give more tenants the opportunity to attend our Tenants’ Forum sessions. At our Tenants’ Forums, tenants receive updates on information and performance and comment on them before they are presented to our Board. Each Tenants’ Forum will have a specific theme:
May 2025 – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
August 2025 – Customer Voice
November 2025 – Value for Money and Social Value
February 2026 – Health and Safety
Customer Promises: Our Customer Promises make sure that tenants can hold us accountable for the things that matter most to them. Tenants agreed a new set of Customer Promises that align with our customer service delivery model - RAMP. RAMP sets a framework for how we will deliver services to all customers. RAMP stands for:
- R – Resolve issues
- A – Adapt our service
- M – Make it easy
- P – Proactive communication
We will be sharing the new Customer Promises over the next few months and plan to bring in the new promises from 1 April 2025.
Rent and service charge review: The group gave their feedback on how tenants were informed about the proposed rent review for 2025. They liked how easy the information was presented to them in the leaflet and on social media. They also fed back it was useful for independent living tenants to see the information at their house meetings.
Complaints and Compliments report: Tenants looked at the latest complaints and compliments data for October to December 2024. The main reason for complaints was time taken for repairs to be done and communication. The main reason for compliments was around how well our operatives worked in getting repairs done, how friendly our colleagues at the Customer Contact Centre were, and how supportive our housing officers were.
Scrutiny update: The tenants were given an update on the progress made on their 6 most recent scrutiny reviews.
Tenants’ Talk update: The group received an update on the Tenant Talk sessions held over the last 3 months. This included:
- Stop Social Housing Stigma
- CCTV policy
- Moving to Universal Credit
- Customer Contact Centre – skills and knowledge
- Health and safety
They also discussed creating a summary of Tenants’ Talks on what had improved following the Tenant Talk sessions.
- The next Tenants’ Forum meeting will be at Leyland House on 7 May at 10.30am. The focus will be centred around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
If you would like to find out more or would like to book a place, please contact the Customer Voice Team at community@progressgroup.org.uk, or call Diane on 07870 900991.
For more information about ways to get involved, visit Ways to get involved | Progress Housing Group