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Independent living | Big Conversation feedback

Thank you to all our tenants who joined us and gave us feedback during the Big Conversation that took place over the summer across our independent living schemes.

The aim was to get to know our schemes more and put together a review of our independent living service.

We completed 272 surveys and spent around two-and-a-half hours at each scheme.

It was a great opportunity for our colleagues to spend time with tenants in a relaxed setting to understand what is working well and what we need to improve.

We received both positive and constructive feedback.

For example, 90% of tenants were happy with their home, 74% were satisfied with their scheme and 64% were satisfied with our services.

Comments included: “Cozy, warm, safe and secure”; “Feel very lucky, like the community”; and “Found Progress to be good and always someone to help out.”

We have listened to what you have told us and we are working on an action plan to improve our services to you.

You will receive information based on your individual scheme in the coming weeks.

Here is an overview of what you told us and how we plan to address this:

  1. You think some of the communal areas in your schemes are in need of a refresh.

We will carry out a programme of redecoration at 9 South Ribble schemes. We hope to complete the works before the end of the current financial year and hope to provide more information on planned works for other schemes in 2025.


  1. You think our grounds maintenance service needs to be improved.

We will look at building a better working relationship between our external contractor, Nurture, and our independent living coordinators. This will help us communicate what work needs to be carried out.


  1. You think our laundry facilities need improving.

We will carry out an audit of our current laundry facilities and look at getting more modern washing machines were needed. We hope tenants will work together in using a rota system and help us keep the facilities clean and tidy.


  1. You think there is not enough social activity in your scheme.

We organise regular events at schemes where there has been an active interest in attending activities. We promote these through our notice boards and provide transport to other schemes to make sure tenants can be included.


  1. You think we need more scooter storage.

We have an internal working group that are currently reviewing our approach to scooters This working group are exploring ways of increasing scooter storage. 


  1. Some of you would feel safer with more CCTV at your schemes.

We currently have CCTV at a number of schemes and will explore if we need to install cameras at any other schemes. We can temporarily install cameras at any schemes where there may be any new anti-social behaviour activity however we must abide by relevant guidance relating to privacy and GDPR.


  1. You feel our heating systems can be too hot.

We will work with our operatives with Property Services to improve the heating systems.


  1. You are not happy that our window cleaning contractors do not clean your individual flat windows.

We will help you find a suitable window cleaner for your individual properties.


  1. You feel that in some schemes relationships need to be improved.

Your happiness and wellbeing is important to us and we want you to feel included in your independent living communities. We will bring in a mediator to help mediate between tenants who don’t get on and whose relationships have broken down.  At certain schemes we recognise that the relationship between some tenants and Progress could be better. We will look to use a mediator to improve this service.


  1. You feel you do not see your independent living coordinator enough.

Our relationship with you is important to us, so we will be reviewing ways in which we can provide a better service to you.



We will continue to look at ways of improving our services to you and will keep you updated.

About the author

Progress Housing Group