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Housing 2024 – A blog from our Sustainability and Environmental Officer.

Our Sustainability and Environmental Officer, Peter recently attended the Housing 2024 conference and shared with us his main takeaways from the day - "I’ve been at Progress for just over a year now, and luckily this is my second time attending this conference (Housing23 and now Housing24). "I attended on the second day of the conference with my team, to sit in sessions where retrofitting properties was at the forefront.

"I found every speaker exceptional, as not only were they able to convey their experience of retrofitting properties, both negative and positive but they were also able to share their thoughts on what actions would be needed to allow housing associations to meet their net zero goals.

"My main takeaway points from each talk I attended included:

🔹 Realising the importance of using our data in strategic ways that can improve the effectiveness of retrofitting and reduce the cost in a world of increasing costs.

🔹 The importance of grant funding in all retrofit schemes, and how to integrate retrofitting works into one workstream.

🔹 Finally out more about how our properties in Scotland fall under different goalposts, and how we can ensure these properties remain compliant on our net zero journey.

"On top of the seminars, it was great to network with contractors, even if I was forced to talk to some through card tricks! Plus, it’s always fun to see new and developing technologies on show (for example we saw a sanitizing LED bulb that can work on mould!)"


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Progress Housing Group