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Giving my feedback as a tenant

Jodie is working with us as part of the Brighter Futures project. She recently had the chance to share her views about her home and the services we provide with our board members and senior colleagues at our Shape our Future event in Lancaster.

“I attended the Shape our Future event last month with other tenants, our board members, and colleagues from Progress Housing Group - here is what I thought of my experience on the day.

The Group arranged transport/childcare to allow everyone the chance to attend if these things were an issue. I travelled by taxi to Lancaster House Hotel with three other tenants.

When I arrived, I was smoothly escorted to a lovely room to gather with the rest of the tenants, colleagues and board members attending the event. it was very well laid out and we had a great ice-breaker session to get to know each other. After this we were taken into the dining room for a lovely buffet-style lunch where everyone had time to chat and get comfortable with each other.

Helping to plan improvements

As the afternoon went on, we gathered in a room in four groups, each one joined by a board member and a colleague, where we shared our views/opinions/issues that we wanted to address. These were all noted down to be put into a plan to implement changes. These changes are to improve our tenant experience and the services we receive while living in our homes.

The main things we looked at were customer service and repairs. We also discussed reasonable adjustments that may be needed to make everything run efficiently and ensure tenants’ needs are met. We collected a large variation of points to be considered from our groups, and these were sent back to be collated. These changes will bring with them a positive development within our housing experience.

Sharing our views

I enjoyed listening to people's views and what they thought of the services. It was interesting to know what other people struggle with in their communities, as well as putting my own views across to be considered.

I would recommend attending events like these as a tenant if you feel you need to address anything in person. In some cases it is easier to explain things in person. They can be better understood and changes can be considered if possible/ where needed to make our homes the best they can be for the time we are living in them.”


If you would like to find out how to get involved and apply to be a tenant representative committee member, find out more here:

About the author

Progress Housing Group