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Careers in Progress | Meet our RWP Caretakers

Meet our RWP supported living caretakers, Roy and Duncan.

We caught up with our RWP caretakers, Roy and Duncan, who work in our RWP supported living housing schemes, providing a caretaker and light support service to our supported living tenants and playing a significant role in fulfilling the Group's health and safety responsibilities.

They told us what they enjoy about the variety of their roles, their interactions with the tenants, and why they're proud to work for Progress.

I've been with Progress for one year now; I really enjoy interacting with the tenants and feel I am making a difference.

As a caretaker, I try to make it a welcoming environment for tenants and visitors alike here at the accommodation I look after.

I have very supportive managers and colleagues. Working for RWP and Progress Housing Group, I never feel alone but that I'm part of a bigger team all working together to support tenants with learning disabilities and autistic people.

In this way, I also feel proud of being part of an organisation that is also very good at promoting diversity, with diverse services and accommodation for people with disabilities and lots of other ways that they show they support equality, diversity and inclusion.

I have been in this role now for just over six months, and I plan on doing it for as long as I can. Progress Housing Group is a great company to work for, and I particularly love working as part of RWP, which provides the supported living housing and accommodation.

I enjoy working in a job where I am appreciated; people notice what I've done, and it makes a big difference.

I get great job satisfaction, and I receive positive feedback and support from my colleagues and line managers. I enjoy the social interaction with the tenants and meeting with other carers and contractors at some of the team and work events.

I enjoy the variety of my role; it involves cleaning, hoovering, general repairs, checking the alarm system, legionella checks, spot checks, and more, as I also like that there's an element of responsibility to look out for the tenants as well. Training and development are also offered, and this is a huge advantage.

I love making a difference in other people's lives. I know what I do helps them to stay living independently in their own homes. They love to see me walk in the door, especially if they have any problems they can chat through with me or that I can help them with as part of my role.

Caring for other people makes me feel valued, so this role works well for me as I have great relationships with the tenants and carers - while I do any repairs, we can laugh and chat and have a bit of banter. They enjoy telling me their stories, and I enjoy listening to them.

Thanks to Roy and Duncan for sharing why they're proud to work for Progress.

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Progress Housing Group