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Amazing Apprentices | Oliver's story

For National Apprenticeship Week, we spoke to our Business Administration Apprentice, Oliver, about what it's been like moving on from working with us as a supported intern to starting a Level 3 Apprenticeship.

Oliver originally joined the Group with last year's DFN Project SEARCH cohort before successfully gaining a Business Administration apprenticeship within Property Services.

​"I heard about my apprenticeship from my supported internship last year with Project SEARCH.

"I wanted to undertake this particular apprenticeship to further my knowledge of business administration, and because of my prior internship, I felt Progress Housing Group was a good place for this.

"I work with three teams within Property Services on my apprenticeship, Fleet, Health and Safety and Administration. In each department, I receive support from my manager towards the tasks I am set, and the work I've done so far has taught me many things about business admin that I didn't know before:

  1. Firstly, my knowledge of computer software has improved, especially in Microsoft packages
  2. Secondly, my ability to work in a group has improved
  3. And thirdly, my time management has improved due to the tasks I'm set, and I now know how to prioritise.

"I don't have an exact idea what I'd like to do in the future as a career, but I'd like to go into a job with administration, maybe in Progress? I would also be open to future studies if it would help; however, my focus after my apprenticeship is employment.

"I would recommend an apprenticeship with Progress. They've been very supportive during mine. And I would recommend an apprenticeship anywhere to anyone; they can be very informative, and you can learn things you wouldn't elsewhere.

"My family are pleased that I am on this apprenticeship. Personally, I'm proud of how I've adapted to the new environment; I handle tasks differently from my internship, but I've taken to them really well.

"I'm proud of working for Progress Housing Group; working here, I feel it's a really positive atmosphere to be around."

- Oliver, Level 3 Business Administration Apprentice

Project SEARCH Coach Criddy Fletcher said: "I worked with Oliver while he completed the DFN Project SEARCH supported internship last year. Oli showed an aptitude for administration, and I am now lucky enough to continue supporting him on his apprenticeship journey.

"I have seen him grow in confidence, professional attitude and knowledge of Progress Housing Group operations whilst on his apprenticeship - all in just six months! This is a credit to his positive attitude, willingness to learn and hard work to achieve his work goals.

"On his apprenticeship, he is delivering work to the expected standard of any Level 3 learner and is excelling in his milestone tasks with the training provider North Lancs Training Group. All his hard work is reinforced by adaptations put in place for him and by the team's inclusion and encouragement from all three departments and the wider Progress Housing Group team.

"I look forward to seeing even more work development from Oli, and I'm excited for what the future holds for him!"

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Progress Housing Group