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Amazing Apprentices | Jordan's story

For National Apprenticeship Week, we spoke to our Customer Service and Housing Apprentice, Jordan, about his apprenticeship journey with us.

Jordan found his apprenticeship with help from our employment and training service, Progress Futures

"My apprenticeship is for a Level 2 Customer Service practitioner and I have been working towards this since September 2021.

During this time I have been working and learning 'on the job'. I started in the Scheduling Team then moved into Progress Connect. I have been able to shadow lots of different departments including the Housing Team, Caretakers and Community Safety Team. I've also been able to complete all my college work within working hours thanks to the time given by my managers to allow me to do this."

Help from Progress FuturesI heard about the apprenticeship through Progress Futures. I went through the job specification with Cathy (my allocated Progress Futures Officer) and then I decided to apply.

I wanted to undertake the apprenticeship as I thought it was a good opportunity to learn about social housing (something I knew nothing about before). It's given me a really good idea of the different roles that exist within the business, and this has helped give me a much better idea of what I might want to do in the future.

The support from my team
The teams I've worked with have been very supportive and the people I work with have given me lots of help when I've needed it. I've found working and learning quite easy (as there is more working than there is learning!). One college day a week has been enough to be able to keep on top of the college work.

This apprenticeship has enabled me to get an understanding of what different departments do by shadowing - and even doing - the job. This has been beneficial as not everyone might get this opportunity.

I am unsure what I would like to do in the future, however now that I know more about the housing sector, I would love to have the opportunity to consider something within social housing or supported housing. I would also consider further learning to progress my career after my apprenticeship.

Recommending an apprenticeship
I think an apprenticeship is a good way to learn a job and get a qualification at the same time.

I'd tell anyone thinking about doing an apprenticeship that it is definitely worth doing as it gives you the opportunity to shadow lots of different areas, and, lots of the time, the work you do can be tailored to your own interests."

- Jordan, Progress Connect Officer and Level 2 Customer Service Apprentice.

Everyone needs a Jordan in their team!

Jordan's Manager, Valerie, our Customer Contact Duty Manager, said, "Having Jordan join our team as an apprentice has been a blessing. Jordan is a hardworking team player who is highly motivated, and committed to the company values and objectives.

"Jordan has been able to learn a varied skill set working in Progress Connect, from phone work, administration and front of house in reception and he is an integral part of our team.

"Everyone needs a Jordan in their team!"

About Progress Futures

Our employment and skills service, Progress Futures, can help you find your perfect apprenticeship.

Find out more by visiting their website by clicking here.

National Apprenticeship Week runs from 6 - 12 February this year and 2023 marks the 16th annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships.

The theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2023 is "Skills for Life"; reflecting on how apprenticeships can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career, and businesses to develop a talented workforce that is equipped with future-ready skills.

You can support National Apprenticeship Week 2023 by encouraging others to consider how apprenticeships can provide #SkillsForLife

Look out for more stories this week over on our Progress Housing Group social media channels from our brilliant colleagues who have undertaken apprenticeships.

About the author

Progress Housing Group