As your landlord, fire safety is a top priority and we work very hard to ensure that our homes are as safe as possible.
Below, you can find fire safety advice and tips to help you prevent fires and what to do in the event of a fire.
Your local fire and rescue service can provide a free fire safety check on your home. For more information about this in the Lancashire area, visit Home Fire Safety Check | Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (
If you live outside Lancashire, please check your local fire service website for local fire safety advice and information on home checks.
The most likely place for a fire to start is in the kitchen.
- When you are cooking make sure that you do not leave the kitchen
- Make sure that towels are away from open flames and the cooker
- Keep your oven and grill clean as fat and bits of food can catch fire
- Check you have turned everything off when you have finished cooking
- We recommend you do not use a chip pan as they are very dangerous and are a major cause of incidents.
We carry out electrical checks on a regular cycle to ensure the safety of your installation.
- If a wire or plug looks damaged, then do not use it
- If there are scorch marks around a plug on the wall, do not plug anything into it
- Do not plug more than one thing into each socket
- Switch off and unplug things when you are not using them
- Make sure that wires are not tangled. When a wire is twisted, and electricity is running through it, the wire can get extremely hot and start a fire.
- When you are not in the room, make sure you turn off your fire or electric heater
- Do not leave your fire or electric heater on overnight
- Do not leave anything close to a fire or heater
- If you have a portable electric heater, then make sure you do not position it right next to a wall or piece of furniture
- If you use an electric blanket, then make sure you switch it off before you go to bed.
We recommend that you do not use candles or smoke inside.
Do not use BBQs on balconies or in enclosed spaces.
In the event of a fire, get out and stay out
- If a fire alarm goes off or you see or smell a fire, then you should get out safely as soon as possible
- Remember to stay calm and not panic
- Do not try to put the fire out, and do not grab any of your belongings on your way out
- If there is smoke then get down on your hands and knees where the air is clearer
- Once you are outside, get a safe distance from the house and ring 999.
If you can't get out:
- If a fire blocks your normal exit route from a building then try to find another way out
- Use the stairs and not a lift
- If there is no way out using a door then if you are on the ground or first floor then you can try escaping through a window
- If you can you should drop something soft out of the window to land on like pillows or a duvet
- If you cannot get out through a door or window then you should find a room without any smoke in it and close the door
- Stay as low as possible to avoid the smoke
- Put something like a towel or clothes behind the door to stop any smoke coming through the gap under the door
- If you have a mobile phone then ring 999
- Try to let people know you are there by shouting
- If your clothes catch fire remember to stop, drop and roll.
- Your local fire and rescue service can provide a free fire safety check on your home. For more information about this in the Lancashire area, visit Home Fire Safety Check | Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service (
If you live outside Lancashire, please check your local fire service website for local fire safety advice and information on home checks.

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