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Green neighbourhoods

Well looked after green spaces help create safe and healthy neighbourhoods.

We call the maintenance of our grassed areas (grass cutting), trees, hedges, and shrubs ‘grounds maintenance’.

We use another company to carry out our grounds maintenance for us.

The contract promises:

• To cut the grass regularly to keep it at an acceptable level
• To spray the weeds on any paths and to clear any moss where required
• To cut back bushes and shrubs twice a year.

Poor weather can affect how grounds maintenance is carried out; however, we promise to monitor this contract closely to minimise the impact and ensure areas are well maintained. 

We will consider any impact on the environment and wildlife when making any decisions to do with grounds maintenance. 

As the weather begins to warm up, our contractor Nurture will re-start its annual grass cutting service in our communal areas this month.

Nurture’s teams will be working hard to ensure your outdoor spaces are well-maintained and looking their best.

We appreciate your patience whilst this work takes place to enhance our shared spaces.

If you want to get in touch with suggestions or enquiries to enhance our communal spaces please get in touch.

Our grounds maintenance and gardening services

Where you have your own garden for your private use you will be responsible for keeping your garden neat and tidy. We will look after any shared green spaces that we own and the service that you receive will vary dependent upon the type of home that you have:

Our communal areas are currently looked after by Nurture who provide a cut-and-drop service for all grassed areas. The contract also includes:

  • Weeding
  • Maintenance of shrubs and hedges
  • Litter picking (prior to grass cutting)
  • Leaf collection (prior to grass cutting).

Independent living schemes are also looked after by Nurture with a slightly different service including a cut and collect service for grass, this was considered important to you when we consulted on the service, and the additional cost is covered by your service charge.

How we keep your neighbourhood green

We will conduct inspections of trees on communal land that we own.

We will carry out necessary work on dead, dying, diseased or dangerous trees following the tree inspection and within the relevant pruning season, being mindful of any nesting animals. 

We do not prune healthy trees for reasons such as leaf dropping, lack of light, or satellite signal problems.

The maintenance of trees within the boundary of a tenant’s private property is the responsibility of the tenant unless the trees pose a significant health and safety risk or overhang a public path or highway.

We may offer Tenant Matched Funding to tenants who wish to carry out tree maintenance within their private gardens.

To find out more about tree management or if you have any questions, please contact us.

Invasive weeds are weeds such as Japanese Knotweed that cannot be treated like normal weeds and require specialist treatment. Such weeds can be difficult to remove entirely and require a programme of treatment to manage them. Where we have invasive weeds on any land that we own, including private gardens, we will manage the programme of work required to make sure that the correct type of contractor is used. If you think that you may have identified weeds of this nature, please contact us.

Where you have your own garden for your private use you will be responsible for keeping your garden neat and tidy under your tenancy agreement with us. We understand that not everyone has green fingers, but untidy gardens can really affect the appearance of an area and neighbouring properties. You can report untidy gardens to our area housing officers by contacting us.

You are responsible for maintaining your garden and fences, including cutting your grass. If you cannot do your gardening, a local charitable
organisation may help you, such as Age UK, Groundwork or the Carers Trust.

We do not remove unwanted trees unless they are diseased or damaging the property. Some trees may be protected and cannot be removed. If you want to arrange to have a tree removed, you must first check with your local authority.

Do you want to brighten up your area with sunflowers? You can ask a member of the Nurture team or your estate caretaker for some sunflower seeds and enter our annual sunflower competition.

There are prizes for the tallest, good luck.

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