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Cultural and Community Event

We are holding our fourth Cultural and Community Event this year on Saturday 5th April.

The aim of the event is to provide a FREE to all event, open to all communities to come together to celebrate our diverse, talented, and creative community and all the activities, events and group we have in our area to support and celebrate this. 

Anyone who has attended one of our past events will remember it was full of colour, fun, laughter, information, stories, and food, but most of all welcoming & friendly!

We are looking for community groups, entertainers, sporting groups, individuals and families who would like to join us to share their culture, talent, skills and stories.

The event will be open to the public from 11 am to 3 pm and held at Leyland Methodist Hall, Turpin Green Lane, Leyland, PR25 3HA.  We will have access to the room for setting up from 9am.

If you would like to have a stall  or share your talent at the event please contact me on the details below or at and we will be delighted to book you in.

We really want to reach as many different communities as possible, so if you could share this information to other groups, friends and family that would be amazing.

We hope you can join us for the event either holding a stall, sharing your talent or as a visitor!

Please do let me know if you require any further information, there is an information flyer attached. We do not want stall holders to be out of pocket for providing items for the event, we can repay most expenses or help and support in other ways, please ask!