The majority of our homes are let through a choice-based letting scheme.
However, we occasionally advertise properties available for rent directly from us.
To apply for the homes advertised here, call 0333 320 4555.
You do not need to register with a choice-based lettings scheme.
For all other properties, please apply via the choice-based lettings scheme in the area that you wish to live.
Available to rent now
Our homes are in demand, and a suitable one can take some time to become available. We also have some other options you may want to consider that may help you get moving more quickly.
These include:
- Swapping homes with another tenant (mutual exchange)
- Downsizing to a smaller property or transferring to a different home
- Shared ownership - own a home without having to pay the whole cost upfront, trying to save for a large deposit or having to secure a large, standard mortgage
- Independent living and Extra Care schemes for those over 55
- Adapting your existing property you rent with us to make it more suited for your needs.
We also have a small number of properties that we let directly. Chat online with our team to find out more, or contact us.
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